Skye probably knows to make only Windows XP mods but she may not have same knowledge with Windows Vista or later mods because it's WIM-based. And why Pinky? She's not here with the community. editor converts media to popular MP4 format and exports audio as an MP3 file. Windows 8.0 isn't supported anymore since 2016 and 8.1 was supported until this year. Video editor is available on Windows 10, 8.1, 8 and 7.

There's no reason to make Windows 8.0 Delta, and it was supposedly to be made in Windows 8.0 base but they later changed the decision and decided to move to Windows 8.1 instead due to being updated than Windows 8 and have functions. This isn't Windows 8.1 Enterprise Evaluation, it's based on Windows 8.1 Pro edition. Every Windows copy what you install, it's not activated and you'll require to activate it in the internet or with phone. Because mods aren't intended for updating, if you update, it will restore to original state like unpatching UXTheme, vanilla resources, etc. I prefer this mod for people who wants Windows 8.1 with a better usable interface through it's discontinued The interface have Developer Preview aero, which is cool. I hated the Start screen when first time I've used Windows 8. But I may not like the creator (pinky), so this one is the best Windows 8.1 mods. I like the touch where how it starts with the traditional unredpilled desktop, which is good for my needs. This is the best version of Windows 8.1 so far. Your driver is up to date - if you have a problem with your driver, you can try to re-install the old version as below. Intel® Smart Sound Technology (Intel® SST) IntelВ® Smart Sound Technology (IntelВ® SST) *: 2K=Windows 2000, 2K3= Windows 2003, XP= Windows XP, VISTA = Windows Vista, WIN7 = Windows 7 Watch this video to see how it works - click here If your driver isn't working, use the driver having the same OEM with the your laptop/desktop brand name. If you are looking for an update, pickup the latest one. With the different devices, they can have the same driver, it's because they all use the same chip manufacturer.

Below is a list of drivers that may be suitable for your device.